Samstag, 19. Januar 2013

My phone had a Pool Party

I'll alway remeber how I but my phone into the washer like it was yesterday, wait - it was yesterday, right. I am really not smart enough to check my pockets before I put my clothes into the washer, now it is broken. I put it into the oven for a few hours so the water can evaporate, but there is still water at the screen... So if anybody needs to text me, you only can text me on facebook. Hope me mobile will work again...

I love Reese's pieces with Peanut Butter, it's a kind of Smartie there is just peanut butter inside instead of chocolate. Actually I don't like peanut butter, but it tastes so different here, just better. Haha...

Tomorrow I'll write a summary of the two weeks I am here, I hope you've a great weekend, in Love ♥