Montag, 10. Juni 2013

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"

And my last weekend has passed ! :( I am so super sad and i dont wanna leave at all! All i actually did was getting ready, started saying Goodbye, buying souvenirs and gifts for my friends and family and preparing myself to get home. Oh and i went swimming again, with Linzey and Mariah and i finally bought all the stuff i still needed. Here some pictures from today at the pool:

My room is a big mess everything is on the floor and i just dont have no clue where to start packing all this stuff, and it really makes me sad that i already had to say goodbye to some friends who already went on vacation. Actually everything makes me sad, leaving these people and this country! But at the same time i am really glad to see my friends and family again!
Today we recorded some really funny videos in the car, i wanna edit them and then i am probably gonna upload them but i dont know when i am getting to do that because i still have so many stuff left to do over here so i am probably uploading it when i am already back in Germany. I will post soon, probably already from an other part of the world... love y'all

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" - Pooh