Dienstag, 30. April 2013

I am ready for summer

It is getting really hot here in Louisiana, while i am sweating and complaining about 30° the people here tell me that it will get alot hotter! So i need to prepare myself, i already bought alot of sunscreen and some new sommer clothes. Oh I have so much to tell but too less time! The only reason I found time today is that i am skipping school, because there are many tests and then we are actually not doing anything in class, that's why mariah and me just stayed home today and probably tomorrow too. 
The next weekend is Prom weekend!!! I am really excited and yesterday my dress finally came in! and i love it, it is pink and long, and normally i look really weird in long dresses but i really like this one! I will show you a picture of it after Prom, because my date is not suppose to see it before. I still need to buy alot of stuff and there is just too less time until Prom, there is just too less time until i am going home! :(
I still wanna do alot of stuff but i just cannot find enough time, when school is over i will probably have a bunch of time to do everything. I dont know if i ve already told you but after school has ended i am going to New Orleans and probably to Houston too! I cannot wait, and i cannot believe that i just have 8 days of school left, i just dont feel like saying goodbye. But i think i ve already shown you that i really dont wanna go. So instead of complaining about leaving right now i am just enoying my time and i will try not to think about it.
I am pretty sure i will post a long post after prom because it's gonna be amazing!