Montag, 3. Juni 2013

The city where the people get crazy - New Orleans !

The city I went to this weekend is the biggest city in Louisiana, New Orleans is known for crazy people, mardi gras and music! After a 4-hour drive we finally arrived there and we saw this awesome skyline of New Orleans ! We have seen so much and i ve taken so many pictures that i dont even know where to start telling y'all about and what pictures i should put here...

Yeah, the first thing we saw in New Orlean was alot of fish. Because we went to the 'Aquarium of the Americas'. It was really awesome and i took a bunch of pictures but when i looked at them at home i had to figure out that the most of them are pretty bad because you werent allowed to use your flashlight and that is why most of the pistures were indistinct. But in the end i ve found two to post !

Then we finally could check in to our hotel, and after we all took a good nap we went to Bourbon Street. It is a street where alot of crazy people are, it is where all the clubs are at and where the people go at night time to party. And it was really fun, and i definitely know now why everybodyy says the people in New Orleans are crazy! After we walked along the street, got into some stores and get to know how the poeple here are like we went to a really, really good restaurant! A seafood restaurant, i don't know if i have ever told y'all that but Louisiana is known for their seafood, and i can tell it is really good! And guess what!? I ve tried Aligator! And I liked it, it was actually really good!

After a good breakfast at the hotel at the next day we went to the french quater, we looked around and walked along the river and got to a market and shopped a bit, but the real shopping part (for what i was looking forward the whole time) came after that when we went to the Lakeside Shopping Centre! It is the biggest mall i have ever been to. Unfortunately we didnt have so much time becaause we still had to drive all the way back to Alec, but i still could go shopping and spend some money ! ;)

It was really an awesome weekend and there are just 9 days left! I really dont wanna leave this country i have fallen in love with everything here, except of these country music, camouflage and rednecks, hahahaha...     I will post whenever I can, but as soon as possible! ♥