Freitag, 31. Mai 2013

Louisiana Sun

Yes, that's actually all i did the last few days ! Laying at the pool trying to get tan but not sunburned and just having fun with my best friends ! No words how much i love them all!

It is freaking me out that i am so white compared to all the others haha, but i got tan that day !

Yea i am pretty proud of myself because i posted everyday the last 3 days, and now i am not sure if i can keep doing that, because tomorrow i am probably not home and I don't know yet if i have time tomorrow night to post about my day. And then Saturday morning we are gonna leave early to go to NEW ORLENS! I am so excited and i am pretty sure i wont have any time to post while i am there, probably at night when we are at the hotel room and they have some free Wifi. But i promise i will post a bunch of pictures on Monday or tuesday after i came back! See y'all ♥

Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Facts about america

  • 'All Americans are fat' this prejudice is actually true. Not every American is fat but in the average they are alot fatter than people in other countries
  • Most of the American have iPhones !
  • The traffic lights are on the other side of the street
  •  Americans think that the cars in Germany are driving on the other side of the street
  •  Almost all candy bars have another peanut butter- version
  • In Louisiana everybody is crazy about crawfish
  • teacher here don't care about the class and do not teach at all
  • the street and the traffic is confusing!
  • the cars are all automatic and so alot easier to drive
  • the air conditioner are everywhere and even it is freaking hot outside you are freezing inside !
  • americans drink her soda with ice even in winter
  • american Tv sucks !
  • Americans eat alot! Three warm meal a day are normal
  • Many Americans are really religious much more than we are used to be in Germany 
  • Americans never use a bike or walk they even use the car to go to their post box
  • most of the streets here glow in the dark, that is pretty cool !
I probably gonna add some more later on ! 

15 days until Germany !

So today there are exactly 15 days left for me in Louisiana and i am still not sure what to feel. I still wanna do so many things but there is too less time left! But i am about to go bowling in Alec with a few guys and i have some good news ! Me mariah and Candance are going to New Orleans this weekend! That's gonna be awesome. I am really enjoying all the time i have left but I am so excited to see my family and friends!

And now i have to hurry up because i am going bowling with these awesome girls and Lars ! See y'all later ;)

Montag, 27. Mai 2013

All what is left... // bilderflut

Now i am sitting here and think about what is left. What is left from the 157 days? - just 16 days! The first month i always looked at my phone and i couldnt wait until i can see my family and friends in Germany again. And now? Of course i still cannot wait for them i cannot wait to hug them all but now there is so much what is holding me here. In 5 month i found friends that are like friends i have known my whole life. It was not easy i came here with alot of issues with the language and without knowing anybody, without friends in another country with another family at another school. But with the time the foreign language becomes normal and easier than your home language haha, strangers become real friends, the other country becomes home, your hostfamily becomes your real family. And your friends and family let you forget that you are actually supposed to be homesick. Oh yeah right point, some people have sent me some messages and asked me if i really hadnt been homesick at all and i can honestly say 'no'! I really dont know why, maybe because i had no problemes with nothing here, everything was so perfect, no problems finding new friends, no problems in school or with my hostfamily. I was really lucky! :)
So i need to say that again, there are 16 days left, that is so less ! I gonna try to post something more often so u have a great view how my last days here are going!

i just picked some random and unshown pictures, cuz i thought the post was too short !

 Fun in Walmart

 She's probably gonna kill me for posting this picture but whatever. Skyping with german friends ! ♥

Montag, 20. Mai 2013

I can tell, summer began!

It is hot! Really hot and while i am complaining about 35 degrees the people here keep telling me that this wasn't even close to how hot it will get! How am i suppose to survive when it is getting over 40 degrees here!? But luckily most of the cars and the houses have an air conditioner! So since school is over there isnt much to do because most of our friends still have to go to school because just the summer break for the seniors has already begun and it is too hot to do anything, and now there is a new rule that u cannot go to the mall after 5 pm when you are under 18, but it is a kinda fun going there and hiding so the cops wont catch us haha. Actually i just wanted to make you jealous because i heard it is a kinda cold in germany right now, and there is nothing much more to say. Accept of that i finally have the date i will leave america, it is june,12... It is so sad and i ve already told 1000 times that i really wanna stay longer. but i cannot change it :(
i will post something in the next days, love y'all

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013

Last school day, summer break began

So last Thursday was my last School day and with 2 finals it was probably one of the hardest and longest day at rapides High! I had so much to do that i couldnt even think about being sad, but i finally was able to sign Mr Lee's flag  ! and i am proud of myself because even i knew i probably won't see some of these people again i didnt cry at all.
At the right you can see the German flag in Mr Lee's room i signed, at least he is not gonna forget me !

And on Saturday we celebrated that our summer and our summer vacation finally began! Mariah, Me and Jacob went wave boarding and it was alot of fun even Mariah and me couldn't even holt ourself at the water surface. just see and laugh ;) 
 How it actually has to look like, jacob is a prof ;)
 My favourite picture, haha even i couldn't board like Jacob i had alot of fun hahaha!

 Finally summer - Selfies !

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013

Ein rießen Haufen Bilder mit all diesen Leuten, die ich sooo seeehr liebe!

das sind zwar 1000 % noch nicht alle, aber ich werde morgen an meinem letzten schultag versuchen ein Foto mit jedem zu machen den ich mag, haha und werde die dann all posten also macht euch auf was gefasst. Warum ich auf Deutsch schreibe? weil meine deutschen freunde und familie sich drüber lustig machen wie schlechte mein deutsch geworden ist, aber es ist garnicht mal so bad! aber schreiben ist auch noch viel leichter als sprechen, also ich muss auf jeden fall noch ein wenig üben bevor ich wieder mit guten gewissen und ohne mich zu blamieren in den deutschunterricht in deutschland kann, ohmann das wird peinlich, haha

ok by the fact that i am still in america and i gonna post pictures of some people and i dont want them to think i am talking bad about them i will keep writing in english or probably a crazy mixture of both!


These two guys i loooooove aloooot!!! how u can see we have alot of fun every day in my favourite class. I met them like in the first week i was here and they are one of the people i will miss the most !    

   Jacob is one of the people i ve met the first day i was here, he threw the Prom-After party and it was the best party i ve ever been here in america (eigentlich nur weil amerikanische parties auf ihre eigene art und weise lahm sind ;) ) and he lets me drive his truck, no i am a liar i force him to let me drive the truck and he always thinks i gonna crash it but actually he knows that i am an awesome driver and he's just jealous, cuz he isnt such a good driver!

Even when he doesnt show it to me the whole time he loves me alot ! and i love him and gonna miss him so bad!

Oh ja Alle diese bilder sind von heute und ich trage mit absicht keine schminke mehr weil ich weiß, dass ich total anfangen werde zu heulen spätestens morgen, also bitte ignoriert diese Hässlichkeit meines ungeschminkten gesichtes hahaha ♥
 Another picture in the truck (ja ich mache bilder während ich das auto fahre, weil ich so ein begabter fahrer bin!) People are scared when i am driving, but they don't have no reason!
Haha okay erzähl ich euch mal von einem Jungen, Esteban... Er ist ein wenig junger than me aber einer meiner besten und engsten Freund hier, er wollte umbedingt dass ich über ihn etwas schreibe und ihn in einen meiner posts erwähne also mach ich das mal aber ich werde es nicht so machen wie er es erwartet hat, denn er erwartet folgenes:

Hopefully he still loves me after i ve posted this picture! Okay let me start there is a boy, he is an awesome mexican (aber nur weil der rest der mexikaner sucks, hahaha ok just kidding). Esteban is super handsome, i dont know about his ass, but i doubt that it's so nice like he thinks. I rather look in his face than at his ass cuz he has pretty awesome dark brown eyes ;)  Oh yeah and he is super nice to me since the day we met at a baseball game, and at the first day we talked he gave me his jacket (diese rote jacke die ich auch auf den rest der Bilder hier trage) and he told me i can keep it and i really love it! I dont even have a picture of him but i will take one  tomorrow and put it here then.
okay morgen ist mein letzter schultag :( ich werde einen haufen bilder machen und alle posten und ich werde wahrscheinlich richtig scheiße aussehen weil ich den ganzen tag vorraussichtlich nur weinen werde. aber naja i love y'all alot! ♥

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013


I ve promised you to post a bunch of pictures from Prom, and here they are! hopefully you like them!
But first I wanna tell you how my night was, because it was pretty awesome! Adrianna and Linzey, two friends came to our house to help me to get ready and so on and then we waited for my date. When he came we went outside to take some pictures, it was fun tho!
Then we went too alec and ate and then we had to come back because i forgot the tickets, haha... but we were still in time and arrived at prom at around 10. It was pretty good but not the highlight of this night, because that was definitely the after-party, at my friend jacob's house. I can say i had alot fun last night!

 Ein Kuss- Bild ist das absolute Muss at  Prom ! hahaha