Dienstag, 30. April 2013

I am ready for summer

It is getting really hot here in Louisiana, while i am sweating and complaining about 30° the people here tell me that it will get alot hotter! So i need to prepare myself, i already bought alot of sunscreen and some new sommer clothes. Oh I have so much to tell but too less time! The only reason I found time today is that i am skipping school, because there are many tests and then we are actually not doing anything in class, that's why mariah and me just stayed home today and probably tomorrow too. 
The next weekend is Prom weekend!!! I am really excited and yesterday my dress finally came in! and i love it, it is pink and long, and normally i look really weird in long dresses but i really like this one! I will show you a picture of it after Prom, because my date is not suppose to see it before. I still need to buy alot of stuff and there is just too less time until Prom, there is just too less time until i am going home! :(
I still wanna do alot of stuff but i just cannot find enough time, when school is over i will probably have a bunch of time to do everything. I dont know if i ve already told you but after school has ended i am going to New Orleans and probably to Houston too! I cannot wait, and i cannot believe that i just have 8 days of school left, i just dont feel like saying goodbye. But i think i ve already shown you that i really dont wanna go. So instead of complaining about leaving right now i am just enoying my time and i will try not to think about it.
I am pretty sure i will post a long post after prom because it's gonna be amazing! 

Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

99 days

It feels like yesterday when i got out of the plain and finally realized 'Here i am, in America, 5 months, alone'
Everything was so new, i knew nobody and i couldnt understand most of the things the people told me, and now? I found a new home, a new sister a lot of new and awesome friends, best friends. And my english? I don't wanna say it is perfect because it really isn't but when u compare it with the 'English' i spoke when i came here it is alot better!!!
Just everything is better than i expected it before, I thought it would be the hardest thing in the world to find new friends at a new school, but now? I found the best friends in the world and i totally love them! I was scared of not getting along with my hostfamily, but candance is like a mum even when we have arguement sometimes, and Mariah is like a sister or a best friend, it would be boring without her and my exchange wouldn't be so awesome without her! I thought i would get homesick, but i am really not, i am the opposite i really don't wanna go home like i already said i thausant times in other posts.

I wanna tell you more about my school. Rapides High School in lecompte. It is a pretty small school just around 400 High School students and 200 Junior High Students, but perfect for exchange students. I dont know exactly but i think the most of the people there are black or mexican, but that really doesnt matter because they are all nice even when you are white and german, haha..
The worst thing about a small school is the sport, our school doesn't offer so many different kinda sports than maybe a school with 3000 students. But I really like the aspect that everybody knows you and you know everybody... Bad things about schools in Louisiana are the school uniforms, but you really get used to it and i started seeing some good things about it for example i don't spend hours and night to find some nice clothes for the next school day and every friday we have a day out of uniform!
Another thing which is totally different to Germany is that the teachers are so close to the students, they talk about the private life the whole time and know everything about each other. I am actually pretty happy with my school , even it is small ;)

& now look what I draw in Art:

Montag, 15. April 2013

How do you wanna say you know the WORLD when you have never been an EXCHANGE STUDENT?

Wie willst du wissen was ein TRAUM ist, wenn du nie einen erreicht hast.
Wie willst du wissen was ein ABENTEUER ist, wenn du nie Teil in einem warst.
Wie willst du wissen was eine QUAL ist, wenn du doch noch nie mit Tränen in deinen Augen von deiner ganzen Familie und Freunden verabschieden musstest.
Wie willst du wissen was VERZWEIFELT SEIN bedeutet, wenn du noch nie alleine an einem Ort angekommen bist und kein Wort von dem, was die anderen geredet haben verstanden hast.
Woher willst du wissen was VIELFALT ist, wenn du noch nie einen ganzen anderen Teil der Erde erlebt hast.
Wie willst du wissen was TOLLERANZ ist, wenn du dich noch nie an etwas gewöhnen musstest, was du nicht einmal magst.
Wie willst du wissen was SELBSTSTÄNDIGKEIT ist, wenn du noch nie ganz auf dich allein gestellt warst.
Wie willst du wissen was ERWACHSEN WERDEN bedeutet, wenn du nie aufgehört hast ein Kind zu sein, um etwas neues zu starten.
Wie willst du wissen wie es ist HILFLOS zu sein, wenn du noch nie jemanden umarmen wolltest, es aber vom Computerbildschirm verhindert wird.
Wie willst du wissen was DISTANZ ist, wenn du noch nie auf eine Landkarte geschaut hast und gesagt hast 'ich bin so weit weg!'
Wie willst du wissen was VATERLANDSLIEBE ist, wenn du noch nie als Ausländer zu deinem Land stehen musstest.
Wie willst du wissen was die WAHRE REALITÄT ist, wenn du bisher nur deine eigene Welt kanntest.
Wie willst du wissen was eine PERFEKTE GELEGENHEIT ist, wenn du noch nie eine ergriffen hast.
Wie willst du wissen was STOLZ ist, wenn du noch nie stolz auf dich selbst warst nachdem du bemerkt hast wie viel du leisten kannst.
Wie willst du wissen was 'NUTZE DEN TAG' bedeutet, wenn du noch nie Zeit wie im Fluge vergehen gesehen hast.
Wie willst du wissen was ein FREUND ist, wenn du noch nie in einer Situation warst, die nur wahre Freundschaft standhält.
Wie willst du wissen was eine FAMILIE ist, wenn du nie die Grenze deiner eigenen überschritten hast, um zu sehen was auf der anderen Seite ist.
Wie willst du wissen was FANTASIE ist, wenn du noch nie über diesen Moment nachgedacht hast wenn du wieder nach Hause kommst.
Wie willst du die WELT KENNEN, wenn du nie ein Austauschschüler warst?

Ich habe diesen Text im Internet gefunden und mich total verliebt. Er war erst auf Englisch, habe ihn aber dann übersetzt weil selbst ich ihn ein wenig kompliziert fand (was mit meinem schon fast peinlich schlechtem Deutsch etwa 2 Stunden gedauert hat) Ich hoffe er gefällt euch! ♥

Samstag, 13. April 2013

Time!? stop !

What about 60 days left? That cannot be, it still feels like i've just arrived yesterday! Make this time stop please! Much happened, we have written the ACT test for the ones who don't know what that is it is a test and when you passed it you officially can go to college. Actually seniors take it, i am a senior at my school but actually i am a freshman and i am just a senior because i am an exchange student, but anyways i had to take the test and i think i am the youngest person ever taken this test haha, but i did actually pretty good, got 20 points, and with these points i can go to college, i did awesome good in the Math and English part (i am wondering why i am doing better in the english part as an exchange student than the most of the american students haha ) But i was really bad in the reading and science part, but i think it is understandable that i cannot read that fast like americans can and that is why i could not finish this part and all these complicated words in science just were too much for me...

I just told you how much happened but i already do not know what ther is to have been told, Mariah and me are just having soooo much fun, we are going out everyday every weekend every free second we are spending with the awesome people here, because i dont wanna waste nomore time nomore ( that was Super-Slang ( 3 times negative hahahaha ))
I can just keep repeating how much i love everything here, most at all the people and Mariah, she ist an awesome hostsister like a real sister or your best friend.. I love baseball game and generally all school games, and the spirit and the classes, yes even the classes. Before I came here i haven't thought that it is gonna be so excited like going out every day and so on, but know it is like a way better like i expected.
when i think about other exchange students telling me that they would like to go home and they cry because they are homesick i am just awesome happy with my situation, because i start crying when i think about going home, of course i miss my family, but it will not ruin my time here just because i cannot see my family and german friends for a bit..
okay ich werde versuchen mich mal ein wenig schneller zu melden und euch nicht so lange auf den nächsten post warten lassen. Ich liebe euch ! ♥

Dienstag, 2. April 2013

Happy Easter yall!

Happy Easter, it was a really great weekend, we went to Candance's family and it is great feeling to be a part of it. They prepared a 'small' BBQ-easter dinner, it was really awesome!
The day after easter we spent the night with our friends because it was our last day out of school :( Tomorrow the second part of the semester starts, time passes too fast!

After we ate dinner, we had an awesome dessert, it consisted of cakes, lots of big and colorful cakes, haha. They were real really good and these two were the best of the whole day.

popping some bubbles with Katelyn

I love y'all so much ! I just have about 70 days left, cannot believe how fast the time passed! ♥